Mounted Games at The JCB Pony Club Championships


Congratulations on qualifying for the Championships!


Please see details below on how to enter, book stabling and where to submit names for Hoodies. Note that penning is not available.

On this page, you will find all the information you need and it will be continuously updated as time goes on.

Championship Timetables:


Please click on the link below and enter the correct class on Horse-Events. If you require stabling, this must also be booked. If you prefer not to stable on site, you are welcome to make alternative arrangements.
Please note: Book stabling as soon as you have qualified to avoid disappointment as there is a limit on number of stables available.

For Seniors, Intermediates and Juniors:
– Horse-Events will ask for ONE ‘Participant Name’. This can be one of the members on the team, the trainer, or any rider you currently have saved on your ‘My Riders’ list.
– Please enter your Team’s bib colour in ‘Special Requests’
– Enter your Branch/Centre name
– Enter the Team name (e.g., MadeUpBranch Stripes)

For Pairs
– Please enter both the riders as Participants
– Enter Bib colour in ‘Special Requests’
– Enter Pairs Name in ‘Team Name’ (e.g., MadeUpPair Diamonds).




Beewear are producing Championship Hoodies once again with competitor names and ponies on them. To ensure your Team Members Names are included, you must enter their names on the below form NO LATER THAN JULY 28TH.

We apologise for not including a section for this on the entry, but we are aware that team entry is often made by the Team Manager or DC who may not have all the Member’s details loaded on their Horse-Events account. Therefore please ensure that only ONE ENTRY per Team (one per Senior, one per Junior, one per Pair etc), is made to avoid duplications.