Winter Triathlon

What is the Winter Triathlon?

The Winter Triathlon consists of the running, shooting and swimming phases of Tetrathlon. There are 3 levels of competition which are: Minimus for the 8-11 year olds, Junior for the 14 and under and Open for all members 25 and under. Each level is split into a boys and a girls competition.

Minimus competitors shoot turning targets from 7m (with both hands), swim for 2 minutes and run 1000m

Junior competitors shoot turning targets from 7m swim for 3 minutes and run 1500m

Open Girl competitors shoot turning targets from 10m, swim for 3 minutes and run 1500m

Open Boy competitors shoot turning targets from 10m, swim for 4 minutes and run 3000m


Swim Rule Clarification – Swim Rule 44 (ii) and (iii) 2024

Athletes that hold Competitive Start Award/Swimming Teachers Association Competitive Starts and Turns Level 2 (Blue Certificate) can dive from Blocks while those with Preliminary Competitive Start Award/Swimming Teachers Association Competitive Starts and Turns Level 1 (Red Certificate) must dive from the side with a minimum water depth 1.35 metres.

Athletes with NO dive certificates must start in the water.

Please note this will be checked at registration and athletes will be issued with Blue Wristband, Red Wristbands or no wristband for athletes without the certificates.

This will all be checked and briefed at poolside ahead of the swim phase.

Please note this rule Changes for 2025 to reference pool depth at the competition being key along with proof of the dive certificate.


Key Competitions and Events

Qualifying competitions

Each Area of The Pony Club will run an area qualifying competition over the winter (usually November-February). Competitors have the chance to go to multiple Winter Tri Qualifiers to try and qualify, however they have to come 1st or 2nd in their section to qualify. Don’t worry though, the hosting area still gets 2 guaranteed spots at the Winter Tri Final! Please follow the link below to access Area Qualifying Dates (Please note these are being updated regularly once areas have declared their dates).

Winter Triathlon Final

The 2025 Winter Triathlon Final will be on the 30th March 2025.

The Winter Triathlon Final is at Grantham Meres Leisure Centre, where all of the athletes come together from all areas to compete against the best of their own and other areas. The competition usually consists of a morning shoot, followed by a midday swim and an afternoon run.

Merchandise is available to order online now from Beewear!

Entries for the Winter Tri Final are now OPEN – qualified Members use the following link to enter before 23rd March: Enter here!

Winter Triathlon Eligibility

  • One qualifying competition to be held in each Area. Qualifying members may compete at the Winter Triathlon Final in March.
  • All competitors must be Pony Club Members.
  • To be run in accordance with Pony Club Tetrathlon Rules of the current year.
  • All other rules for each phase will be as stated in the Tetrathlon Rule Book.

Qualification Rules

  • The two highest placed Members from each class will qualify for the Final.
  • If the qualifying Members are not from the Area hosting the competition, then the two highest placed competitors in that Area shall also qualify. This is to ensure that all Areas have the opportunity for 2 competitors from each class qualifying for the Winter Triathlon Final.
  • It is the responsibility of the competitors to ensure that they inform the organiser before the start of a competition if they have already qualified previously so if they win the qualifying place will be given to the next highest placed competitor.

Team Formation

  • Areas may make up to 3 mixed teams from all classes (i.e. Girls or boys from each class) to compete at the Winter Triathlon Final. Declarations must be submitted in writing to by the Area Tetrathlon Co-ordinator or designated person.

To find out more about the rules, please view the Tetrathlon Rulebook.

Need more information?


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Laura Armstrong

Lead Sports Officer
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Mandy Donaldson

Tetrathlon Chairman