Unity Closure and where to find your attendance records in PELHAM

Unity Closure

As you are aware, we have now completed the migration of the Unity system over to Pelham. The final stage was making sure that all events are closed and we have taken a copy of attendance from 2022 onwards so that you may refer back to it.

Please see below for instructions on how to access this backup. We will still have an offline full backup of Unity but this will be for archive reasons and will be incredibly slow to get information out of.

Log into Pelham.

Click on your branch name

Click on ‘Related’

Then ‘Documents’.

You will then see a file called ‘Unity-XXX-attendees.csv’ where XXX is your branch number in Unity.

This is an export of your unity attendance information from 1st January 2022 onwards.


Event ID – Unique ID for the event
Event Name – Name of the event
Event Class – If there are multiple classes in an event, it shows which group / ticket they purchased
Event Date – Date of Event
Online Entry – Whether this was open to book through the website – 1 = yes
Online Payment – Whether this was open to pay through the website – 1 = yes
Max Attendees – Maximum number of attendees for the event
Num Attendees – Number of attendees who attended the event
Parent Name – Name of the Parent
Parent Email – Email address of Parent
Entrant Name – Name of Entrant (i.e. Child)
Price – Price paid for the event in £
Paypal TXN – Paypal transaction ID
Didnt Attend – If set to 1, then they did not attend the event
Payment Status – Whether the payment was recieved
Payee Name – Name of the person who paid