Intro to Coaching Steps 1-3


What are the Introduction to Coaching Courses?

The Introduction to Pony Club Coaching courses are designed as a pathway for Pony Club members to begin coaching, by ensuring that they have the necessary skills and support in place.

They also offer an opportunity for more experienced coaches to refresh themselves, and check that they are in line with best practice.

There are three levels of Introduction to Coaching Courses.

For further information click on the link button to the right.

Introduction to Coaching – Step 1

Who is this course for?
  • Pony Club Members aged 16 years or older who are enthusiastic to teach at D/D+ level (This group will have priority for places)
  • Past Members, supporters or parents over 25 years who have sound horse knowledge and are enthusiastic to teach at D/D+ level
  • Pony Club coaches at any level who want a CPD opportunity to refresh their ideas or check they are in line with best practice.
What’s Involved?

These courses develop participants through discussion, group work and most importantly, activity.  All participants will have the opportunity to teach.

This course focuses on the basic skills needed to begin coaching, including planning riding and horse care sessions and the values underpinning Pony Club coaching. Participants are required to complete 20 hours of Coaching Experience (shadowing or assisting with coaching) before moving on to Step 2. The Tutor : Participant ratio is 1:6.

Introduction to Coaching – Step 2

Who is this course for?
  • Younger coaches (suggested minimum age: 17 years)
  • More experienced coaches as a CPD refresher within Branches/Centres
  • Any Pony Club coaches, as a refresher, who require an accreditation day, in either Areas or Branches/Centres.
What’s Involved?

These courses develop participants through discussion, group work and most importantly, activity.  All participants will have the opportunity to teach. The emphasis is on drawing together the wide range of experiences that tutors and participants bring and making those experiences available to everyone.

This course focuses on introducing jumping, rider balance and a balanced jumping position, and working groups in open spaces (rider control!) The Tutor : Participant ratio is 1:4.

Introduction to Coaching Cross Country – Step 3


Who is this course for?
  • Younger coaches (suggested minimum age 18 years) who have completed Introduction To Coaching Courses – Step 1 and Step 2.
  • More experienced senior coaches as a CPD refresher within Branches/Centres.
  • Any Pony Club coaches, who wish to coach cross country in their Branch/Centre.
What’s Involved?

These courses develop participants through discussion, group work and most importantly, activity.  All participants will have the opportunity to teach. The emphasis is on drawing together the wide range of experiences that tutors and participants bring and making those experiences available to everyone.

This course focuses on the safety requirements for cross country coaching, and how to best prepare riders to tackle cross country challenges safely and effectively. The Tutor : Participant ratio is 1:4.

How do I book onto a course?

Visit the CPD page to check for dates, and contact the organiser of the course directly.

Need more information?

Please see the contact details to the right.


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Rosa Dakin

Training Officer
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Ellie El Khamlichi

Lead Training Officer