

The Pony Club has a statutory duty to protect children and safeguard their welfare. Participants in Pony Club activities are entitled to expect a safe and enjoyable environment.

“Everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play. Children who need help and protection deserve high quality and effective support as soon as the need is identified.” (Working together to safeguard children, 2020)

The Pony Club Safeguarding Policy can be found via the link here. Other core documents and materials are available on the Resource Hub. Further support can be obtained via The Pony Club Safeguarding Team whose contact details are listed at the bottom of this page.

If you feel there is a child or adult at risk in immediate danger, you are advised to contact your local Social Care Service or the police immediately.

Safeguarding Training

Training Levels/Courses 

The Pony Club recognises three levels of training:

1) Safeguarding for Equestrians – Initial Training, Tutor Lead (delivered face to face virtually)

2) Equestrian Advanced Safeguarding – Refresher Course, Self-Guided

3) Equestrian Safeguarding Officer – For Area and Branch or Centre Safeguarding Officers, Tutor Lead (delivered face to face virtually)

The first approved safeguarding workshop attended must be face to face or virtual. This may be followed three years later by the online refresher course. However, as a minimum, individuals should attend a face to face/virtual course every six years.

Who needs to attend a course?

All individuals who carry out a role in regulated activity/work must attend an approved safeguarding workshop. The only exception to this rule is for:

  • First aiders who will only require a disclosure check, and,
  • Those at residential camps where each night a minimum of two of the overnight supervisors must have attended an approved safeguarding workshop.

It is strongly recommended that any other persons carrying out regulated activity/work on an overnight basis at residential camps should also attend an approved safeguarding workshop.

Safeguarding Training for Members in Scotland

For those residing in Scotland only, please be aware you need to complete Module One from Sports Scotland prior to attending this course. Please ensure you register for a course at least 20 days before taking the virtual course to enable us to set up the registration with Sports Scotland.

Can I use my safeguarding course from another organisation?

An individual who has attended a safeguarding workshop externally delivered can apply for their learning to be taken into consideration as an alternative to attending the Pony Club offering.

Please see the following options.

Pre-Approved Courses

The Pony Club also has a list of pre-approved courses that can be attended in place of the BEF Safeguarding for Equestrians course. These do not need approval.

The pre-approved courses include:

  • UK Coaching: Safeguarding and Protecting Children/ Safeguarding in Sport
  • SportScotland: Child Wellbeing and Protection in Sport
  • SportScotland: In Safe Hands
  • Sport Ireland: Safeguarding and Protecting Young People in Sport
  • CPSU Time to Listen
  • NSPCC courses (depending on the level)
  • Designated Lead Officer 3-day courses offered by your Local Authority

* Please provide a copy of certification to support processing on to PELHAM

Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL)

For those courses not listed on the pre-approved list, the APL procedure should be followed.

The APL form can be downloaded below and should be submitted along with a copy of the certificate of attendance and course content details (e.g. learning outcomes and/or copy of presentation/handout). The procedure is detailed within the form.

To be shared with

Parents and Guardians Roles at The Pony Club

Parents play a vital role in their child’s Pony Club journey – from supporting and guiding their progress, to volunteering at local events. The following guidelines should be followed by parents/guardians:

  • be a positive role model for your child and other members
  • respect coaches, officials, volunteers, members and other parents
  • remember that the main aim of The Pony Club is to teach fairness over competitiveness
  • teach members to show sportsmanship, teamwork and supportiveness
  • use approriate conduct at all times, including on social media channels
  • promote the wellbeing of members and their ponies ahead of winning

Coaches Roles at The Pony Club

As a Pony Club coach, you play a key role in providing members with positive and enjoyable experiences with The Pony Club from recreational participation through to high level competition, offering great opportunities to enhance members’ knowledge in horse management and riding, and supporting members both in mounted and unmounted activities whilst having fun. You also have an influential role for members to continue in equestrian activity and achieve their potential.


The Code of Conduct for coaches and trainers is built on the principles of integrity, honesty, fair play and respect. These principles are fundamental to The Pony Club and apply to all levels of ability and commitment, with the welfare of the horse or pony at the centre. All coaches must be accredited in accordance with The Pony Club Rules.

Need more information?

For Safeguarding Concerns only, contact The Lead Safeguarding Officer Christine Gould.



Contact Image

Christine Gould

Lead Safeguarding Officer

For Safeguarding Course information contact the Course Administrator, Carol Taylor.

Contact Image

Carol Taylor

Course Administrator