Overseas Centres

Becoming an Overseas Pony Club

Do you own a Riding School or Equestrian Centre?

You can apply to become one of our Overseas Pony Club Centres.

Being a registered Overseas Pony Club affiliates your Riding Centre with the World’s largest Equestrian Youth Training organisation, giving your riders and parents the confidence that your Riding Centre meets our standards of coaching, welfare of horses and safety standards. Our International trusted brand gives your riders and  coaches the opportunity to access our structured training pathway, Internationally recognised Tests and achievements, training resources and support from a dedicated Overseas Coordinator.



How do I apply?

Complete the online application form via the link button below.

Need more information?

If you would like to know more about becoming an Overseas Pony Club Centre please see the contact details to the right.

Contact Image

Dee Bagnall

Centre Operations Officer