News | 16 July 2024
9 Fun Facts You Should Know About The Olympics (Equestrian Sport Edition) !

Show Jumping
Combinations of a rider and horse jump over a course of coloured obstacles and are timed as they do so.
The aim is to complete the course in as little time possible and knock over as few as possible – with penalties for each obstacle knocked incurred.
This Equestrian Sport is the most advanced form of horse training with the horse and rider performing artistic movements in time to music.
Judges will take in to account the ease and fluidity of each manoeuvre and mark each out of 10.
Taking in to account both jumping elements ‘Cross Country’ (a long course on grass over solid fences (across the country) and Show Jumping (a course of coloured fences, typically in an arena) and a Dressage test.

The Pony Club offers 9 Sports plus many more Activities, Learning and Training opportunities for members.
There are both Riding and Non-Riding memberships available and you don’t have to own your own Horse/Pony to join! Membership options available are Centre, Centre Plus, Branch, and Branch Non-Riding.
Click here to find out more and get involved:
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