Howden Centre Equitation


What is the Howden Centre Equitation Competition?

The Howden Centre Equitation Competition is an exciting opportunity for Centres to form Teams and compete against other Centres. The Competition is hosted online, meaning that Pony Club Linked Riding Centres across the UK and Overseas can take part.

Members ride a Dressage Test and a course of Show Jumps. They are marked on their position and how they ride the pony/horse they are partnered with.

How it works

A team consists of two members at Walk & Trot dressage and 50cm jumping level, and two members at Walk, Trot & Canter and 60cm jumping level.

Each member’s Equitation test and jumping round will be marked by judges, and their scores will contribute towards their Team’s overall score. Each Team member is also placed as an individual too. To see how it works, see last year’s results on Pony Club Results.

Entries for the 2025 competition will open on the 1st of March 2025 and close on the 14th of September 2025. Entries can be submitted any time within these two dates.

2024 Results

Well done to all the competitors who took part in 2024! Click the link below to view the full results:

How can I get involved?

As a member:

This competition is open to any Pony Club Centre or Centre Plus Member around the world! If you would like to take part in this competition, speak to your Pony Club coach and ask them to help your Centre submit an entry.

As a Pony Club Centre:

If you are a member of staff for a Pony Club Linked Centre (such as a proprietor, coach or volunteer) that is interested in taking part in the Howden Centre Equitation competition, entries can be made via the button below. Entries are made on Horse Events, and can be submitted before your videos have been filmed and uploaded (these can be added at a later date, you can edit your entry right up until the closing date of the competition).

A team is made up of four riders, two of whom will perform the Equitation Dressage 2024 Walk & Trot and ride a round of 8 show jumps (max 50cm). The remaining two riders will perform the Equitation Dressage 2024 Walk, Trot & Canter and ride a round of 8 show jumps (max 60cm).

Further information and gudiance can be found in the “Howden Centre Equitation Competition 2025 – full information” document at the bottom of this page.


Feedback from 2024:

We think the Howden Centre Equitation is a brilliant competition to get involved in, but don’t just take it from us! Below is some feedback from coaches and team managers about the 2024 competition:

  • “We were delighted to be part of this. Our riders were really pleased with the feedback, bags of goodies & gorgeous rosettes!”
  • “Thank you so very much for creating this opportunity for our members”
  • “We love that it allows our members to compete without the need to leave the yard”
  • “It is a great way to enjoy the wider aspects of Pony Club”
  • “We love that it is online – improves accessibility and reduces carbon footprint!”

Team Photos & Mascots

Let’s celebrate your Centres Teams! Why not take some photos of your Team and send them into us to share? We would love to see them!

Perhaps your team also has nominated a mascot to support them through this competition – this could be a super coach who has helped filmed your videos, or another animal at the stables, or perhaps a lucky teddy bear? We would love to hear about them if so. Please send any pictures to us by emailing

If you have any other photos, or any good news stories related to the competition, that you would like us to share, please send these to us by emailing

Note: As photos may be featured on The Pony Club website or social channels, please seek parental permission for use.

2025 Full information, Dressage and Show Jumping tests

How to upload videos to YouTube:

  1. Sign in to YouTube Studio
  2. Click “Create”, then “Upload Video”
  3. Choose the video you want to upload. Then click “Edit” to add a title.

NB: Make sure you choose to upload videos as “Unlisted” if you do not want them to be visible to the public. If a video is “Unlisted”, it will only be viewable using a shared link. If a video is uploaded as “Private”, then the judges will not be able to watch and score the test.

Please note that YouTube has a daily upload limit of around 10 videos a day. You may not be able to upload all videos in one day, so please do not leave uploading videos until the closing date of the competition wherever possible. Late entries will be subject to the late entry fee.

How to add video links to Horse Events:

Your team can enter the competition before you have uploaded your videos, as the links can be added to the Horse Events entry at a later date.

  1. On the You Tube video you would like to share, click “Share” and then copy the video link generated.
  2. On the riders entry in Horse Events, paste the link into the box label “Centre Equitation Video Link”
  3. Make sure to click the “Update Entry” box to save your changes!




Competition Sponsor

Howden Insurance Brokers are the official insurance partner of The Pony Club and has proudly sponsored the Centre Equitation Competition since 2015. Howden have a whole team of specialists who work solely with equestrian clients including riding schools, livery yards, freelance coaches, and horse owners.

To find out more visit their website via the link button below.


If you would like to find out more information, or if you have any questions, please contact us.

Contact Image

Chloe White

Riding Centre Assistant
Contact Image

Annabel Stanley

Sports Officer