Continuing Professional Development



Each and every Pony Club Coach is required to attend at least one Coaching Course (CPD) every year. This may be at Branch, Area, Regional or National Level. The course must be listed on our approved CPD calendar. If you would like to attend a course not listed on the below list please send details to before booking to check if the course can be accepted for Pony Club CPD.


CPD Requirements

  • There is a yearly CPD requirement for all Pony Club Coaches and Assessors. This is not specific to coaching or assessing but a CPD update must be undertaken on a yearly basis.
  • CPD must be face to face at least once every two years. For example, if your CPD updates are all online in 2024, you must undertake at least one face to face CPD in 2025.
  • The Online Pony Club Coaching Conference 2025 counts as your Virtual CPD if you view it live, or if you view it as on demand. An automated CPD certificate should be received for anyone who paid and viewed the Conference, please note this does not count as a face to face CPD.
  • Assessor CPD must be updated every 2 years for any levels which you assess. This applies to all Pony Club Test levels. Again, if you attended an online assessor training session for your last update, you must do a face-to-face Assessor CPD the next time. For example, if your last CPD update to assess D/D+ was online, you must refresh this with a face-to-face update in 2 years. You can then update the next time at a face-to-face workshop or online. Assessors may alternate online and face-to- training, however, if an online update is taken, the next update must be face to face. Thus, a minimum of every second update must be face-to-face.
  • Assessor CPD Workshops are also recognised as Coach CPD.

Online Courses Approved for CPD

There are a number of online courses that are Pony Club approved CPD.

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Guidelines for Branches/Centres Running a CPD Course

The following is to be followed for the provision of CPD (continuing professional development) events:

  • CPD events can be run by an Area, Branch, Centre or centrally from the Pony Club office (e.g. coach conference)
  • The Area Representative is responsible for the selection of an appropriately trained and experienced coach to present the CPD course
  • All CPD must be listed on the main Pony Club website a minimum of one weeks prior to the event in order to count for accreditation purposes.
  • The bookings should all be made via the organiser.
  • Attendees should receive a certificate of attendance (template available from The Pony Club Office). Attendees must then send a copy of this to their Branch or Centre so that their record maybe updated.
  • Some Coach specific CPD organised by other BEF Member Body central offices, may count but it still must be listed a minimum of one week before. If the event you would like to attend is not listed please contact the office. Please do not assume a course will be able to count.
  • If you would like an event to be considered for approval as Pony Club CPD please send the details to .

Need more information?

Please see the contact details to the right.