The two Members with the lowest final scores in the PC90 Eventing Championships, under the age of 17 and riding a pony no taller than 153cm, along with the two Members with the lowest final scores in the PC100 Eventing Championships, under the age of 20 and on a pony no taller than 153cm, will be invited to compete at Burghley in the prestigious BSPS Open 153cm Gold Cup. This unique event is a Sports Pony showing class, featuring a Dressage test, a rustic Working Hunter Pony (WHP) round, a Cross-Country style jumping round, and a Show Jumping round. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to compete at the iconic Burghley Horse Trials—don’t miss out!
News | 20 December 2024
How to compete at a high-profile event with The Pony Club.
Competing at top events with The Pony Club is an incredible chance to show off your riding skills on both national and international stages. Whether you’re aiming to represent your country at the Royal Windsor Horse Show, qualify for the iconic Horse of the Year Show (HOYS), or compete at the London International Horse Show, there are plenty of opportunities for Pony Club Members to stand out. These events cater to riders of all levels and feature a range of sports, from Dressage and Show Jumping to Mounted Games and Tetrathlon. Qualification paths include selection trials, regional competitions, and top performances at The Pony Club National Championships. If you’re ready to take your riding to the next level and compete at some of the most prestigious events in the equestrian world, keep reading to find out how you can follow in the footsteps of those who have already experienced the excitement of these high-profile competitions.
Royal Windsor Horse Show
15th – 18th May 2025

Mounted Games
Members from England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Ireland have the chance to qualify for their Nation’s team and represent their country at the RWHS. Each nation holds their own selection Trial in February or March to choose their team. Branch DCs and Centre CPs can nominate Members to take part in these Trials who they feel are not only excellent Mounted Games riders, but are also outstanding representatives of their Branch/Centre and Country.
To find out more, visit the Mounted Games website or view Nomination information here.

The Home International competition brings together teams from England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Ireland. Riders are selected based on their performance in Dressage at The Pony Club National Championships. Each team is made up of two Open-level riders, two Intermediate-level riders, and one Novice-level rider, chosen based on their results at the Championships. For example, the two highest-placed Scottish riders in the Open competition, the two top-placed in the Intermediate, and the highest-placed rider in the Novice category will form the Scottish team. Team members will then travel to RWHS to compete on one of the days.

Show Jumping
The Home Counties competition is open only to Members from Areas 8, 11, 12, and 13, who compete against each other. Each of these Areas holds its own qualifying competition to determine who will take part.

The Regional Team competition selects teams of three riders to represent eight UK regions: Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and Borders, along with Northern, Central, Eastern, Southern, and Southwest England. This competition is open exclusively to Junior Members who have not previously competed in Tetrathlon at the Royal Windsor Horse Show.
Horse of the Year Show
8th – 12 October 2025

Mounted Games
The winning Prince Philip Cup (Senior) Team from each Zone competition (of which there are Northern, Southern and two Central Zones) automatically qualifies for HOYS, along with the 1st and 2nd place teams from the The Pony Club National Championships. Throughout HOYS, Teams compete everyday in two major events: the Sponsor Cup (such as the LeMieux Cup) and the Prince Philip Cup. The 2024 winners were the North Herefordshire Branch who won for the third consecutive year! Will they win again in 2025?
London International Horse Show
17th – 21st December 2025

Show Jumping – Mini Major
Each qualified Member will have the exciting opportunity to pair up with a senior international rider at the show, competing in a relay-style event where the Pony Club Member’s time determines the winner. This is a unique, once-in-a-lifetime chance for riders with ponies up to 128cm to compete at an FEI 5-star International event. Many past winners have gone on to achieve impressive success in international Show Jumping and Eventing—could you be next?
Eight Pony Club Members are selected through qualifying competitions held across the UK. The top two competitors from each qualifier, subject to eligibility, will be invited to compete at The London International Horse Show. The competition is open to any pony not exceeding 128cm, ridden by registered Pony Club Members aged 12 or younger by the end of the calendar year. To qualify, Members must attend at least two rallies with their Branch or Centre between 1st July of the previous year and the qualifier in which they place 1st or 2nd. The first-round maximum height is 90cm. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this incredible experience!
Keep and eye on the Show Jumping website for qualifier dates in 2025.
Burghley Horse Trials
4th – 7th September 2025