The Pony Club is an international voluntary youth charity for young people, up to the age of 25, interested in horses, ponies, and riding. Founded in England in 1929, and granted independent charitable status on 1st January 1997, there are around 330 Branches and 300 Linked Riding Centres in the UK alone. The Pony Club is represented in no less than 27 countries with a worldwide membership exceeding 110,000, making it the largest association of young riders in the world.


Pony Club Areas

The Pony Club divides the UK into 19 Areas, in which Branches and Centres are a part of. Branches and Centres can take part in activities, events and competitions against others in their Area. They may also have the opportunity to represent their Area and take part in events against other Areas.

If you would like to find out more about the Area you are in, please contact your Area Representative. You can find out who your Area Representative is and how to contact them via the link below, where you can also find other Trustees and Committee Members. You can alternatively visit the Area Websites which are also listed below.

Area Websites

Find out more about what Pony Club events and activities happen in your Area, or what Pony Club Branches and Centres exist in your Area so that you can join! You can find links to all of the Area websites below, if you area unsure which area you are part of, take a look at the map above.

Area 1

Area 2

Area 3 –

Area 4

Area 5 –

Area 6

Area 7

Area 8 –

Area 9

Area 10

Area 11

Area 12

Area 13 –

Area 14 –

Area 15

Area 16

Area 17

Area 18

Area 19


Our Vision

To provide children and young people with the opportunity to develop a lifelong love of horses through fun, friendship, horsemanship and sport.

Our Values


We are one Pony Club, fostering friendship, teamwork and volunteering.


We support every individual to reach their goals. We celebrate success and learn to lose with grace.


We treat all people fairly and equally. We celebrate our history and heritage.


We grow through learning and education, the development of skills, expertise and the pursuit of excellence.

Our Charitable Purpose

We have three critical strands to our purpose, we exist:

  1. To promote and advance the education and understanding of the public and particularly children and young people, in all matters relating to horsemanship and the horse.
  2. To encourage the development of sportsmanship, unlocking potential by building resilience, confidence, teamwork and leadership skills.
  3. To support and develop the volunteering network to strengthen The Pony Club community and sustain lifelong engagement with equestrianism

Find out more about Strategy, Staff, Getting in touch, Careers, Trustees & Committees by following the relevant page links below.